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Prioritising Nature and People in Business to Create Measurable Impacts
First High-Level Plenary: People
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Second High-Level Plenary: Nature
CEO’s Roundtable “Leading the drive to Responsible Business in India”
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Encourage all small and big businesses to ensure they are aware of child labour and responsibility to respect children’s rights in their last mile supply chain.
To unpack the implications of human rights due diligence laws/practices on South Asian businesses and identify strengths, challenges, potential collaboration(s) and solutions for South Asian businesses and practitioners on BHR to make supply chains more resilient and competitive.
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To garner inputs on collaboration among G20 members to promote ‘Deforestation Free Commodity Value Chains’, globally and highlight the role of Governments and Industry of Producing Countries.
Embracing the Net-Zero Vision and New business solutions and tools for MSMEs.
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A policy note capturing the discussions and proposed actions to be placed for consideration at the G20 deliberations.
IWSN is a key driver of water stewardship conversation in India. More awareness and participation from the industry/other stakeholders and better engagement with the government are needed.
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To deliberate on the current macro-economic scenario in India, current challenges in the Assam tea plantation sector vis a vis ensuring living wage for plantation workers.
A note for the consideration of policy actors and research institutes to promote greater R&D for circular apparel in India.