Date | Time | Venue |
16th November 2017 | 0930 – 1100 | Silver Oak, IHC, New Delhi |
Host / Co-host:
Session brief:
Many companies know the benefits of producing sustainable products, and consumers often indicate a preference for buying sustainable products. However it is evident that the purchase of sustainable products is not the most common practice and that this is hindered in part by a lack of clear, reliable information.
Claims, labels, campaigns and other product sustainability information tools can help consumers to make informed decisions on what they buy, and how they use and dispose of it. This was recognized by the international community through target 12.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals: “By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.”
Many good initiatives are already on the way –driven by industry, government or non-governmental organizations. However, there is still room for improvement. In response, the ‘Guidelines for providing product sustainability information’ were developed through a working group of the UN’s 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, more precisely its Consumer Information Programme. Over 35 organizations supported this exercise, which was led by UN Environment and the International Trade Centre.[1] CRB joined the process in 2016 and will act as a help desk for the Guidelines’ road testing in India.
This workshop forms part of the global road testing of the Guidelines, to ensure their applicability and usefulness on the ground. The goal of the road testing is not to check if or where organizations are making mistakes, but to support them to make their claims as credible and efficient as possible, while improving the Guidelines through feedback.